Well friends, it’s come time to add yet another category to my blog. I’m excited that it’s growing and I hope you are too! This section is for two things.

This section of the blog is a place that allows me the freedom to write about things outside my regular blog categories. Part of this section will be two weekly scheduled posts, which is my way of  being accountable and attempting to get into a blogging routine. Routine is good for me and my productivity and my creativity, so we’ll give it a try.First,  I am planning a scheduled Tuesday Talk post for each week. This might be thoughts on other blogs I’ve read recently, books I’ve read and recommend, thoughts on the writing life, on young adulthood, marriage…whatever.  The second scheduled post I am planning is the Sunday Snapshot. This will be a photo post. It might be a photo from past travels with an anecdote I haven’t shared, a photo and short story from something we did over the weekend, or just a photo of something beautiful I come across.

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